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R o g e r S c h u l t z
T h e a t r e D e s i g n s
S c e n e r y C o s t u m e s & L i g h t i n g
DOGBARKED by James O'Shea2005 - Scenery & Costumes - Prairie Theatre Exchange, Winnipeg, Manitoba - Dir: Robert Metcalf | DOGBARKED by James O'Shea2005 - Scenery & Costumes - Prairie Theatre Exchange, Winnipeg, Manitoba - Dir: Robert Metcalf | DOGBARKED by James O'Shea2005 - Scenery & Costumes - Prairie Theatre Exchange, Winnipeg, Manitoba - Dir: Robert Metcalf |
DOGBARKED by James O'Shea2005 - Scenery & Costumes - Prairie Theatre Exchange, Winnipeg, Manitoba - Dir: Robert Metcalf |
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